17 March 2011

Chris Clow Session 2, 17.3.2011

Thoughts on the go..
We agreed----- less talking, fully into practical. We begin by looking at the first documentary Chris did Holds no memory (2005-2006), so that we have a visual shared bank of images/tasks to then move into the practical component.

Practical session -- we divide in groups of three... in a way it is an extension of the task of allowing my material to be seen by
another and allow their 'view' to inform the growing knowledge of my process/evolving material. However, this time the material is seen by two outside eyes, one a 'dramaturg' (cross reference to posting 'LAB TIME 15.2.2011) and the other the camera....each group has 15 minutes, giving us time to discuss -- what we see, how we see, what is revealed, what is useful and how...

Groups finalise their experiments and we view and discuss some samples: a recurrent issue resurfaces, the interrelationship between the performance experience and how it becomes perceivable form. In the specific case of the workshop we consider how noticing details on the film - which would be lost in a panoramic view - may help us makes decisions of how to make it perceivable on stage. That is, if the film alerts me to details of fingers, breath, performer's attention and sense of presence -- what decisions do we need to consider to make this be perceivable on the scale of the stage? The issue of transference from one dimension of the creative process to another is an ongoing discussion which will become even more poignant as we prepare the presentations...We speak about rhythms of viewing, performing and filming.

We speak about having to collect raw material over and over and over again, to give time to see what the material 'discloses' through filming and then make editorial decisions - rather than enter the film, with an already predetermined 'aesthetic'.... (the difference between approaching film as video dance as opposed to archiving and documentation, we are focusing on the last one) again, taking time for the process to happen - as opposed to rush into 'making' seems to be key.

At the end, speaking of time, we seem to be running out of it.... Chris introduces us to presentation and editing sources on line..see the list in the projects page by clicking here